Contact Details
- 01367 240232
The Elms, Gloucester Street, Faringdon, Oxfordshire, SN7 7HZ
The Elms
Primary School
Drop off routine
Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 make their way independently to their classrooms from one of our two gates: Library Gardens at the front of the school or the Red Gate at the back of the school (via Wood View).
Year 2 enter with a parent/carer or not If they are happy to come in by themselves. They come in via Library Gardens or the Red Gate and make their way to the playground where they will be met by their teachers.
Reception and Year 1 enter with a parent/carer. They come in via the Library Gardens or the Red Gate and make their way to the EYFS block (crossing the playground and walking round the end of building) where they will be met by their teachers.
Little Saplings (Pre-School) use the grey gate via Wood View if you have no other children who attend The Elms.
If you have a KS2 (Year 3, 4, 5 and 6) child who attends The Elms then please send them straight in and you can then enter school between 8:45 – 8:55 cross the playground and exit via the Red Gate so that you can go round and wait to go in though the Grey Gate where the Little Saplings staff will greet you at 9:00.
If you have a KS1 (Year 1 and 2) or Reception child who attends The Elms then please accompany them to the playground (Year 2) or classrooms (Year 1 and Reception) then you need to exit via the Red Gate and go round to the Grey Gate where the Little Saplings staff will greet you at 9:00.
All gates closed.
Collection routine
Little Saplings (Pre-School) leave using the Grey Gate via Wood View if you have no other children who attend The Elms.
If you have a KS2 (Year 3, 4, 5 and 6) child who attends The Elms then it would probably be best to arrange for them to leave via the Red Gate and meet you there at 15:10.
If you have a KS1 (Year 1 and 2) or Reception child who attends The Elms, then please come in as soon as the Red Gate is open and wait on the main playground for your Year 2 child or outside the classrooms for a child in Reception or Year 1.
If you have a child in both KS1 and KS2 please collect the KS1 child first then
come and collect the KS2 child from us afterwards from the playground please.
Gates opened to allow:
Reception and Year 1 parents/carers to walk round to the EYFS block classrooms.
Year 2 parents/carers to wait on the main playground.
If you don’t have a child in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 we politely ask you to wait for them in the Library Gardens or at the Red Gate.
Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 may leave school from either exit: Library Gardens at the front of the school or the Red Gate at the back of the school (via Wood View). Their teachers will bring them to the Library Gardens. Mrs Cheedy will dismiss them from the Red Gate.
If they have a sibling in Reception, Year 1 or 2 then they are welcome to wait on the playground with a member of our staff until we see a parent/carer in which case they will then come with you.
Year 2 will be brought to the main playground for you to collect.
Reception and Year 1 parent/carer to collect from outside the EYFS block then exit using the Red Gate or Library Gardens.
If you have an older child to pick up then please collect them secondly, from the main playground before you make your way out.
All gates are closed. If you are still on school site you must exit through the main office.
The Elms, Gloucester Street, Faringdon, Oxfordshire, SN7 7HZ