Contact Details
- 01367 240232
The Elms, Gloucester Street, Faringdon, Oxfordshire, SN7 7HZ
The Elms
Primary School
Welcome to the Year 2
Class Page 2024-25
Term 2 - Our PE days are Monday and Wednesday.
Physical Education:
• PE kit must be kept in school all week in case our timetable changes.
• Items should be kept in a named PE bag.
• White T-shirt
• Black/navy shorts (cycling shorts acceptable)
• Black/navy jogging bottoms or leggings for colder weather
• Black/navy sweatshirt for colder weather
• Black/navy/white socks
• Plimsolls/trainers
• Long hair must be tied back
• Earrings removed or covered by plasters
• Jewellery must be removed
Reading Lists:
Stuck for what to read with your child at home? Below are some website links to useful book lists for Year 2.
Phonics Support:
Below are some useful websites to support with Phonics at home.
Maths support:
In the Spring term, we focus on using money and will begin to look at multiplication and division. The children must know their 2s, 5s and 10s by the end of Year 2. Below are some links that could support your child with Maths at home.
The Elms, Gloucester Street, Faringdon, Oxfordshire, SN7 7HZ