Contact Details
- 01367 240232
The Elms, Gloucester Street, Faringdon, Oxfordshire, SN7 7HZ
The Elms
Primary School
The overarching aim for English in the National Curriculum is to promote high standards of language and literacy by equipping pupils with a strong command of the spoken and written word, and to develop their love of literature through widespread reading for enjoyment.” National Curriculum, July 2014
At The Elms Primary School, we recognise that writing skills underpin all elements of the school curriculum, and are an essential life-skill, giving children the ability to express themselves and a voice to share their ideas with the world. Considering the fundamental importance of writing in everyday life, we are driven by the need to develop each learner’s writing ability whilst engendering a love of the creativity and freedom that it brings, thus enabling children to increase in confidence and enjoyment across the curriculum and play a full part in society.
'My teacher explains very well when he shows us how to write – he talks to us a lot which is the best thing, and he is very clear at explaining. He loves writing too.' (Year 5 child)
'My best piece this year was a setting description. I had to start big and then zoom in to things, for example on the castle. I was really proud because I used a lot of adjectives and had to build up from word level ideas to sentence level - I got a best work for that piece.' (Year 5 child)
'I like doing extra writing in school and at home, like doing story maps. I really like it when I have a picture to help with my writing and give me ideas so I can use my imagination and write about anything. I can’t use my imagination in maths as much!' (Year 3 child)
'I really like writing long sentences - it helps me forget my worries!' (Year 2 child)
'Sometimes we write in groups with a grown up which is good, but writing on my own is better because it's peaceful and makes me happy.' (Year 1 child)
The Elms, Gloucester Street, Faringdon, Oxfordshire, SN7 7HZ