Contact Details
- 01367 240232
The Elms, Gloucester Street, Faringdon, Oxfordshire, SN7 7HZ
The Elms
Primary School
This page contains a link to our most recent OFSTED inspection report and our grading. Our report shows how the grading was reached and the overall OFSTED evaluation of our school.
This page also contains a link to the DFE school and college performance tables service, where you are able to compare the academic results of all schools and colleges.
The Elms Primary School Performance Data 2023/24
Number of Pupils eligible for KS2 assessment: 90 pupils
Number of pupils with SEND: 22 pupils (24%) PP: 19 pupils (21%)
Year 6 – Key Stage 2 SATs
| % achieving expected standard + | % achieving greater depth |
Reading | 66% | 21% |
Writing | 69% | 23% |
Maths | 62% | 18% |
Spelling, punctuation and Grammar (SPAG) | 76% | 34% |
Combined | 33% | 11% |
The Elms, Gloucester Street, Faringdon, Oxfordshire, SN7 7HZ